AssetWise Inspections

Manage Filter Permissions

The Manage Filter Permissions page, located in the Administration module, allows the admin to determine the permissions for each of the report filters, inspection schedule filters, and maintenance item filters that have been made public. The permissions are set using role security.

The Filter Type dropdown determines whether the admin is setting the permissions for report, inspection scheduling, or maintenance filters.

The Filter Type dropdown selection will determine what filter options populate in the Public Filters dropdown. All public filters for the selected filter type should appear. To edit a filter's permissions, select the desired filter from the Public Filters dropdown.
Note: If the desired filter is not listed in the Public Filters dropdown, the user who created the filter likely did not save it as a public filter.

Once the desired filter is selected, use the grid to check the boxes of all of the roles that should have permission to use the filter.

After selecting all of the desired roles, click the Save button in the top right corner of the screen.